Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Hey guys!

Hope everyone is doing well. 

We have some unfortunate news of postponing the wedding. Both Joshua and I lost our jobs. 

For those who didn't know, I got injured recently with a broken arm, not being able to work, therefore I lost my job. Josh's company got bought out so he's currently looking for a new job. 

So, with such unfortunate events, we no longer can afford a wedding. 

We're taking this moment to be grateful! Don't be sad or upset for us. And don't worry. We are learning day by day to learn how to make it by. That's why we are so thankful to our family both sides understanding and helping with our living situation. 

If anything, this is bringing us stronger as a couple and giving us bigger and better opportunities. God works in mysterious ways but we know it's all good. 

So we are currently postponing it for another year. There's no way we can bounce back even if we did get a job in the next couple of weeks in time. 

If anyone's made plans or arrangements already, please let us know. Who knows? Maybe you can make it into a vacation!

But as of now, the wedding date will be August of 2015. 

Sorry, but thank you for your understanding. 

- Josh&Angela